The Triple Impériale is a beer with a nice light brown colour, a good retention and a fine carbonation. She has complex aroma of malt, sugarcandy and dried fruits. When you savour it, you can taste dark fruits flavour and a pleasant fresh finish that's remaining on the mouth.
In spite of the 1°°, the Triple Impériale is a very drinkable beer thanks to her nice balance.
AVIS ratebeer.com
Ysok02 (1758) - Mons, BELGIUM - NOV 30, 2015
Une bière énorme tant par sa robe profonde à la mousse crémeuse que par son nez puissant et complexe, épicé et fruité. La bouche n’est pas en reste, la matière est imposante, la bulle est onctueuse et la finale à la fois riche et équilibrée. Un délice absoilu.
AVIS beeradvocate.com
look: 4.5 | smell: 5 | taste: 5 | feel: 5 | overall: 5
From the moment I unrapped the foil, I knew this was going to be something exceptional. First time I've come accross a brew that was both bottle capped and corked so that a corkscrew was necessary. The cork was simply drenched in sticky candied sugar which was a spectacular first glimpse of what was to come. At first, I thought this was a traditional chocolate brown brew, but once I brought it up to the light I was amazed to find a ruby red elixir with specks of yeast, like a snowstorm in a glass. Wow. The head was modest following the pour, but foamy traces were found with each swirl of the glass. Very surprinsing appearance and just another indicator that this was one unique Belgian. The smell of sweet candied sugar was very pronounced in the nose with aged strawberries and other like-fruit. This is an expressive nose moreso than any other I can remember. So far, I love the aggressiveness of this beer. The taste was incredibly fruity. Strawberries again with cherries drenched in candied sugar and maple syrup. Alcohol was evident in the finish, but fruity sweetness preavailed. Mind you, the sweetness is strong, but in a very, very pleasant way. It's not sweet like a lambic. It's more like an aged port wine with perfect fruitiness and sweetness in harmony with one another. The mouthfeel is viscous and chewy. The beer bathes the tongue in a thick blanket of candied sugar and fruit. With each pull from my tulip glass, the aroma and taste made for an incredibly consumming sensory experience. Some alcohol notes in the finish but the fruit and sugar rule the day. This is an excellent, drinkable treat. So suprising in so many ways and so very worth it. Highly distinctive from all the rest and that is precisely what makes it worthwhile. I very much recommend it.