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Fermentation tanks ⎢Abbaye des Rocs
The Watermill site ⎢Abbaye des Rocs

The Brewery

The brewery is located in Montignies-sur-Rocs, a little village in Honnelles, Belgium. This is where all of our beers are created, tested and produced. During your visit, you will be able to see and learn about the mash tun, fermentation tanks, bottling machines, etc.


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Private individual

The Watermill

The Watermill site incorporates several unusual areas that reflect the brewery’s unique characteristics and approach. 


Here you will find:

* The Brewery Offices tucked into a beautiful 19th century building.

* The Reception Hall, next to the Greenhouse and running alongside the Gardens, is a lovely place for a gathering.

* The playfully named Boutique, “Sur la Piste de l'éléphant Jaune” (“On the Trail of the Yellow Elephant”, in English), reflecting the brewery’s “Bohemian eco-chic” spirit. The emphasis here is on good taste and recovered materials for the benefit of tomorrow. Ariane will help you to find the ideal decoration for your home, while staying in harmony with the environment.







* Adjoining the Boutique, the “Apéros bucoliques” area is open on Sundays for beer tastings in a friendly and relaxed rural setting (12th century) where good spirits meet good fun.

* Lastly, the Waterfall at the bottom fits in perfectly with the mood of the Watermill site and provides an enchanting setting for our many visitors.


Watch out for changes in the near future... more new projects to come!!

Chute d'eau
Jardin du Domaine du Moulin
Abbaye des Rocs blonde
Cuves de fermentation
Cuve de brassage
Sur la Piste de l'Éléphant Jaune
La Brasserie
Bouteilles de Magnum
Le siège social
la Serre
Embouteillage manuel


14, Chaussée Brunehault

7382 Audregnies



37, Chaussée Brunehault

7387 Montignies-sur-Roc

Tel. +32 (0)65 755 999

       +32 (0)476 419 103



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