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Ysok02 (1758) - Mons, BELGIUM - JAN 17, 2015
Robe dorée, très belle mousse. Nez élégant sur des notes épicées (coriandre), levure sur un fond de houblon. Bouche à l’attaque ample, un bulle crémeuse, une rétro de houblon et une longue finale amère et équilibrée. De nouveau une très belle blanche, tout en puissance, à l’inverse de la précédente.
Amber in colour, which after all is the traditional appearance of historical white beers, it has a higher volume of alcohol (6%) than the white beers we are familiar with. Having been created locally (1991), this white beer has long since burst out beyond the banks of the Grande and Petite Honnelle rivers whose name it proudly bears. Yet, Blanche des Honnelles steers clear of the well-trodden paths taken by some beers. Its taste is surprising and in no way comparable to the other beverages of the same type that are currently on the market. While relatively discreet on the nose, its initial flavour yields to an intensely dry bitterness on a peppery background. There is no acidity in this three-cereal white beer (barley, wheat, oats). Its taste is invigorating.

look: 5 | smell: 4.5 | taste: 4.5 | feel: 5 | overall: 4.5
Appearance – This one poured a beautiful hazy orange in color and was incredibly thick and hazy. The puffy white head took up permanent residence and was actually soft to the touch.Smell – The big rindy orange aroma mated perfectly with the big Belgian yeast. This was a classic Witbier nose. The spicing was traditional as well and the pepper especially seemed to jump from the glass.
Taste – The orange and yeast notes from the nose came out sharp at the taste. The flavors are very distinctive and harmoniously balanced. Everything is very soft and delicate yet assertive.Mouthfeel – Oh, yeah, this is my idea of the perfect Belgian mouthfeel. The ale itself is medium-bodied but the feel in between the cheeks is light and fluffy. It’s so soft and delicate the bier almost floats in your mouth.
Drinkability – The amazing mouthfeel and dead-on-style flavors were head and shoulders above other Witbiers that I’ve had. This was quite a treat. TEXte

La Blanche des HoNnelLes